I went to Las Vegas for Labor Day weekend with my dear friend Amanda. We had such a fun time!!!! I LOVE being with my family and I cry every time I leave them!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Vegas Vacation!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Island Park- the greatest place on the earth!
I went up to my cabin in Island Park, ID a few weeks ago for a family reunion and it was one of the funnest weeks I've had up there! We did so many fun things- the week was packed with nonstop action!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Life's a Garden, DIG IT!!!
Last summer my friends across the street planted a garden in their backyard. They just had zucchini and tomatoes and they were so good! I've never eaten so much zucchini bread in my life! It seemed like they had so much fun throughout the summer working on their garden and I wanted to be apart of it!
Friday, July 9, 2010
I am #1 (Nelly Reference)
I just have to brag for a little bit! So I started working at Tucano's about a month ago and it has been such a fun job! I've met so many cool people and it has been just awesome. Yesterday I worked the night shift and guess what, I was the TOP SERVER OF THE NIGHT!!!! I can't believe that I made more in tips than all of the other servers! I had some really great tables and I was having such a fun time and it really showed when I got my tips at the end of the night! Best part of being the top server, my manager gave me a free dessert! Woohoo!!! I brought home the white chocolate, raspberry cheesecake and shared it with my roommates. Sooooooo delicious!!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
This was my day:
woke up, read my scriptures, ate breakfast, studied some stuff for work, went to work at 10:15am, got home from work at 10:30pm....... awesome
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Kids Say the Darndest Things
My brother, Dave, sent our family this email yesterday and I think it's the funniest story ever:
I just put Ben down for the night and he had something really important to tell me. He was real intense and said ... "Dad, Dad ... hot dog fixes Jesus". I said "Ben ... what did you say?" He said it 2 or 3 more times ... "Hot dog fixes Jesus." We barbecued hot dogs earlier in the day, so I thought he was talking about our lunch. I kept asking him about hot dogs and he was getting a little frustrated. I asked Jackson to help me understand and we both listened again ... "hot dog fixes Jesus". He started to say it real slow, but he was pointing to his forehead. I called Becky and in and she listened a few times and couldn't figure it out. Finally after a few minutes and having him say it over and over, Jackson figured out he was pointing to where he had stitches ... he was saying ... "Uncle Doug fix the stitches". We listened again and it sounded exactly like "hot dog fixes Jesus". We were all cracking up and Ben thought he was so funny. Becky recorded it on her iPhone ... was asked him to say "Uncle Doug fix the stitches" and "Hot dog fixes Jesus" and it sounded EXACTLY the same. Funny kid.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Vegas Vacation!
I went down to Las Vegas last week and had such an awesome time! I had to get away from Provo for a while so I asked my brothers if I could come down there for a while and work for them. It was so great seeing how my brothers run their offices! Dave had me take boxes of Einstein Bagels around to a bunch of different offices and Doug (more like Heather) had me help with his office open house.
I had so much fun with my nieces and nephews while I was there! These kids never cease to amaze me! They are all so stinkin' cute and so talented!
Now it's back to the grind of looking for a job in Provo. Please pray that something with come my way, preferably a dental hygiene job!
Sorry there are no pictures- I lost my camera! But I think I might buy one with some graduation money!
Breaking up is never fun!! Your life changes so much because one minute you have a best friend, spending every possible moment with them, and the next minute you are best friend-less. It totally stinks!!! Heavenly Father works in mysterious ways and we definitely have to follow Him with faith. Especially when we don't understand why.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Last week of school!
Sadly we had to say goodbye to Mike and Kelsie- they are moving to Fresno for school. They will be missed a lot here in Provo!! The Callister Clan is dwindling!
Now our name tags say "RDH" for regestered dental hygienist! We're legit!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Studying Hurts My Head!
I don't think there has been a time in my life when I've been more exhausted! My last 2 board exams are coming up and I have spent so many hours studying for these tests and I've had it!! At the end of every day my head is so full of information and I go to bed with a throbbing headache. The exam this Wednesday is an 8 hour test!! 8 hours! That's a full day of work... but taking a test! My brain is going to be so fried after that! I can't wait for Wednesday to be over! I just really hope that all this studying pays off and that I pass so I don't have to study ever again!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
1 down, 2 to go!!
This last week I passed my first board exam!!! I'm so happy to have one out of the way so I can start focusing on the hard one coming up.... oh goodie!! It was a very stressful, nerve racking day to say the least. When I gave my shots to Megan, I was shaking so much because I had two judges breathing down my neck! But it was so nice to spend the day with 13 of the coolest classmates ever! And we all passed! Go UVU Dental Hygiene!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
February was a fabulous month! I spent PLENTY of time studying and enough time playing to keep me sane. I'm studying for my board exams (which start this week!! yikes) and it's going really well. My poor boyfriend has to put up with me spending more time at the library than with him but at least he's learning how to be patient!
Last week I went to visit my good friend Ceci at the hospital. She had her baby Monday, March 9th and I went that night to see the new little guy. I was their first visitor! Little Jacob Hermann is such a cute little baby! I loved holding him and didn't want to leave. Congrats Ceci and Steven!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Painting in the Sun
Back in July my friend, Steven, called me and asked if I wouldn't mind sitting for his so he could paint a portrait of me for his big summer project. I thought, heck why not! I was #5 of 47 portraits he painted for this project. Steven started painting me at around 4 in the afternoon and it was blazing hot! I love how he captured the heat on my face- i was so hot and totally sweaty while he was painting me! Last summer Steven did this project where he would paint people in one hour which I thought was so cool- it really shows how much talent he has! Here's his artist's statement on the project:
"The art scene in Provo is growing and fluctuating. "Hour Provo" is an effort to contribute to that growth and to allow the diverse people that make up our community to become the art themselves. These folks are just some of the elements and ingredients that represent Provo. Each individual’s portrait was captured in oil paints and painted directly from the live model in one hour.Our community has a wealth of diversity. Some have been here for multiple generations while others have been here only months. Some ask for money for food and some ask for political votes. There are musicians, businessmen, children, artists, mothers, students, old and young, poor and rich. There are many beliefs and many ethnic backgrounds. All are equal. Whether prominent or subtle, each individual is given the same attention as a part of "Hour Provo". Each is painted in one hour and each is equally represented."
Here's my portrait! Steven, you did a wonderful job and I know you will go far becuase you are so talented!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Christmas Celebrations!
This last Christmas was so much fun! The first of many parties was a sugar cookie making party. I made Grandma Callister's famous sugar cookie dough and then I had a bunch of people over and we baked and then frosted and decorated the cookies. They were so good!! I think it's so fun doing stuff like this with friends.We had an awesome Christmas Party with all the Dental Hygiene Students and Staff. We had such a fun time wearing our ugly Christmas sweaters and eating good food and playing fun games. I love all the girls I go to school with- they are so awesome and I'm going to really miss them when we graduate in April.
Family love!