One of my friend's who is in the BYU sailing club took a few of us out on one of the BYU sail boats! It was so much fun! I had never been out on Provo Lake and I didn't know it was only like 10 feet deep! Sailing was so much fun and I can't wait to go out again!

Salt Lake Real soccer game vs. Toronto. It was an amazing game and such a fun atmosphere! I just love soccer! I've been to a few
BYU soccer games too and they are pretty intense! So much fun! This is a legit picture- not taken from online or anything! So pretty! Rio
Tinto stadium is awesome!

My friends and I went to the
Manti Temple Pageant and we had a really fun time. The pageant was pretty funny- the sound track was easily 40 years old and totally cheesy! After the show we went to a friend's cabin and we kept quoting our favorite parts of the show. It was so funny! The
Manti Temple is so pretty! It looks just like a castle on top of a hill.

th of July weekend was probably one of the most fun weekends I've ever had! On the 3rd, a group of us went to a rodeo! I just love rodeos! And I especially love the small town ones because they are just so much fun
chillin' with all the locals! We had a good time there! My roommate, Laura, and I got a picture with the rodeo clown! He was, of course, so funny!

We got home from the rodeo around midnight and we were driving down University Ave and there were thousands of people out on the side of the street camping out for the parade that started at 9AM the next morning! I couldn't believe how many people (including families with little kids) were out there partying at midnight! We drove home and Laura and I rode our bikes down there and joined in the festivities until 2:30AM. There were dance parties and food places and little shops were still open and it was just so fun! The next morning, Laura and I, once again, rode our bikes down to University Ave for the parade which was so much fun!

At work on the 3rd, I won tickets to see the Stadium of Fire!!!! One more time, thank you
APX!! They weren't the best seats but it was seriously such a fun show! There were dancers out on the field and they were cool and the Jonas Bros performed! I couldn't believe how many teenage girls were there screaming their heads off! It was crazy! The firework show was the best! It was so cool!

Now I've got about 1 more month to party before school starts again! I can't wait to see what happens next!
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