Well it has definitely been a while since I've updated! School has started and life is pretty crazy. But I quit my job last week and life has been wonderful since then! I am loving school so much! I have so much fun with the other 13 girls in my program and we're all doing so well in clinic and everything. We're learning so much and getting better every day.
One thing that has helped me destress this semester has been cooking. I've tried all sorts of new things and it's so much fun! The most recent: cinnamon rolls (yes, I've never made cinnamon rolls in my life!). I made them with Amanda last Sunday and they turned out pretty good. The first one we used so much butter when we rolled them up and it was so soupy! So the second one we cut back on the butter and they looked way better.... but you can guess which one tasted better :)
Here's a video of our victory celebration!!
looks like you are having so much fun! I miss talking to you! Things have been WAY too busy here...i hope you are well..and we MUST chat soon! Love you!
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